
It is about us as human beings, and why we should not forget who and what we are. That we are interdependent, and that our basic values and rights are to be respected and cherished. 

We would be elated to welcome you to the humanity matters community. A jpg photo of you wearing a humanity matters garment, your first name, profession, country of residence, and a short heartfelt text will suffice. Send it to us and we will check you in.

Take a look at our Youmanity Matters channel . If you want to read more about this project click here.

Produktionsleiter (Österreich)
"   Menschlichkeit gewinnt durch den Krieg in Europa immer mehr an Bedeutung. Wir schulden es unseren Kindern und Kindeskindern eine Welt der Menschlichkeit zu forcieren."
International Sales Director (Belgium)
"   A great message! on a perfect fitting polo made out of organic breathable cotton which is very comfortable to wear. Go for it!"
Hotelier (Österreich)
"   Die Markenbotschaft am Puls der Zeit sowie Spitzenqualität in punkto Material, hier passt einfach alles."
Singer (Austria)
"   I am a singer, musician, producer and I stand for authenticity, joy and clear lines in times of Flux. The world stage and the view behind the curtain is my specialty, and I invest the international language of music in cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue. My goal is to remind people of their wishes and dreams so they can find their own strength. Every human being is an expression of the universal divine power and has a very specific task to perform in this multiverse. Nicolaas' brand „HUMANITY MATTERS“ is a wonderful reminder that I support precisely for his work of value.""
Trainer & Coach (India)
"   Give the world the best you have and the best will come back to you. Humanity Matters and thus each one of us must contribute something on a day to day basis to help others break through their walls of limitations. Let's enfold all humanity and our planet Earth in the greatest joy achieved through expansion of our hearts."
Yateendra and Kiran Sinh
Visionary consultants (Switzerland)
"   Humanity and attitude are both "inside jobs" - they lie within your heart. So it is our choice to switch them on!"